Charles B. Schaap - ADXcellence: Power Trend Strategies
Full and complete, detailed explanation of ADX, a popular indicator found in most technical analysis software programs. This is the definitive and only complete work on the subject. Shows specific trading strategies including how to find attractive trading opportunities, enter and exit trades. A one-of-a-kind masterpiece that no serious technical trader of stock or futures should be without.
Charles B. Schaap, Jr., D.O. is a northern California native and grew up in the beautiful Russian River valley. The son of two, small-town physicians, he practiced medicine for 15 years before transitioning to the life of a full-time trader of equities and futures. He is the author of ADXcellence--Power Trend Strategies (2006) and Invest with Success--Big Profits for Small Investors (2008). Dr. Schaap has written numerous articles for trading and investment publications, broadcasted many educational webinars, and is a sought after speaker at international conferences on trading. He loves old movies (Cassablanca), desserts (hot fudge sundae), music (Rachmaninoff) and traveling (Umbria, Italy).
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